File #: 24-090    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 1/31/2024 In control: Committee of the Whole
On agenda: 2/12/2024 Final action: 2/12/2024
Title: Review of the Updated Integrated Parking Management Strategy and Parking Bylaw, Staff Report No. EPW-24-003
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Public Review Period Findings, 2. Attachment 2 - Memo on ICBC Multi-Family Residential Parking Data, 3. Attachment 3 - Integrated Parking Management Strategy, 4. Attachment 4 - Parking Bylaw, 5. Attachment 5 - Parking Bylaw Change Tracking Table, 6. Attachment 6 - Consultant's Presentation
MEETING DATE: February 12, 2024 Report No. EPW-24-003

TO: Committee of the Whole
FROM: Bill Brown, Director of Development Services, and Joel Clary, Director of Engineering & Public Works
SUBJECT: Review of the Updated Integrated Parking Management Strategy and Parking Bylaw


That the Committee of the Whole recommend that Council:
a) direct staff to finalize the Parking Bylaw and bring it back to a future Council meeting for Council's consideration;
b) endorse the Integrated Parking Management Strategy;
c) direct staff to bring forward an Impact Assessment on implementing actions in the Integrated Parking Management Strategy; and
d) direct staff to continue processing requests for Residential Only Parking using the current process outlined in the Township's Guide to Traffic Calming until a Permit Parking process is in place;
as described in Staff Report EPW-24-003.


The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee of the Whole (Committee) with updated Integrated Parking Management Strategy and Parking Bylaw documents. These documents have been updated since the Committee last saw them in August 2023 to reflect feedback from the Committee, UDI, Capital Bikes, and the public. The Parking Bylaw also reflects new ICBC vehicle ownership data. In the Parking Bylaw, the major changes reflect lower parking minimums and a difference in minimums between condominiums and apartments. The major changes in the Parking Strategy reflect increased pricing for Residential Permit Parking and a new action to review bylaw enforcement resources. Staff recommend the draft documents be finalized/endorsed and that staff report back with an Impact Assessment on implementing the Parking Strategy.


The development of an Integrated Parking Management Strategy (Parking Strategy) and updating the Parking Bylaw are identified as a Council Priority. As on-site and on-street pa...

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