DATE: January 27, 2025 Report No. P&R-25-002
TO: Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Steve Knoke, Parks and Recreation Director
SUBJECT:TITLEParks and Recreation Third - 2024 Period Report
The following is a report on the activities pertaining to the Parks and Recreation Department from September 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
1. Parks Services
Parks Highlights
* New playground and new pathways installed at Anderson Park next to the community garden.
* Greenshores for Shoreline Development project broke ground in September.
* Significant planting of new plant material at Greenshores completed.
* Garden renovations of the Municipal Hall roof and Saxe Pt Lookout completed.
* Purchased electric cart for horticultural team in Saxe Point Park.
* Removed old swing set in Gorge Park, installed new one adjacent to playground.
* Supported municipal events (Ribfest, Celebration of Lights, Remembrance Day).
* Prepped sea can in gorge park for public art project.
* Primed and painted 137 posts along walkway in Esquimalt Gorge Park.
* Installed new pathways in Gorge Park and Anderson Park.
* Successfully received SPARC grant for installation of accessible swingset in 2025.
* Work began on electrical upgrade and EV charging project at Parks HQ.
* Supported Engineering dept in the restoration boulevards throughout the Township
* New irrigation installed in Memorial Park and Saxe Pt.
* Supported GWAS with ongoing improvement projects in Salt Marsh in Gorge Park.
* Partnered with SD61 and Esquimalt Fire for controlled burn for cultural purposes in Highrock Park.
Publicly Owned Trees
* Trees pruned - 54
* Trees removed - 19
* Trees planted - Blvd trees - 37, Natural area trees - 76
* Total trees planted - 113
Privately Owned Trees (tree permit/developments)
* Trees approved for removal - 21
* Trees denied for removal - 6
* Trees approved for pruning - 12
* No permit required (not protected tree) - 5
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