DATE: July 5th, 2021 Report No. CSS-21-013
TO: Laurie Hurst, Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Blair McDonald, Director of Community Safety Services
Public Safety Building - Building Regulation Bylaw Exemption
That Council pass a resolution that directs staff waive enforcement of the sections of the Building Regulation Bylaw, 2017, No. 2899, that require copies of recent surveys to accompany Building Permit Applications for the temporary Police and Fire facilities.
Building Regulation Bylaw, 2017, No. 2899
Healthy, Livable and Diverse Community: fully utilize the McLoughlin amenity funds to maximum potential
With the nearing completion of the Library Building, the Township is approaching the time when both Fire and Police Services will be required to vacate the "old" Public Safety Building and relocate to temporary facilities. The Police will be moving to a renovated "old" library space, and Fire will be moving to a temporary Firehall to be constructed at the south end of the Archie Browning Sports Centre parking lot. Both the renovation of the library space and the construction of the temporary Firehall will require building permits. The Building Regulation Bylaw provides that every application for a building permit requires an up-to-date site survey.
The requirement for a site survey enables Township staff to ensure that any proposed construction on a particular parcel of land does not infringe on any other parcel of land or interfere with municipal works.
1. Rationale for Selected Option
In this instance, staff are of the opinion that since both the "old" library space and the parking lot of Archie Browning are municipally held buildings/lands, the requirement under the Bylaw to provide surveys of these properties is unnecessary. There is no risk of either the renovation to the library s...
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