MEETING DATE: February 10, 2025 Report No. EPW-25-003
TO: Committee of the Whole
FROM: Joel Clary, Director of Engineering & Public Works
SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewer Asset Management Plan
That the Committee of the Whole recommend that Council:
a) receive the Sanitary Sewer Asset Management Plan for information;
b) direct staff to request increased funding for infrastructure as part of the annual budget process;
c) direct staff to implement the plan based on available funding; and
d) direct staff to update the status of the Sanitary Sewer Asset Management Plan Council Priority Project to complete.
The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an asset management plan completed by a consultant to sustainably manage the sanitary sewer system in the Township. The plan provides a prioritized way to reduce risk to the Township and identifies the increased funding levels needed to do this.
The Township owns, maintains, and operates the municipal sanitary sewer system, which contains:
* Gravity sewer mains = 57.3km
* Sewer forcemains = 3.8km
* Sewer lift stations = 13
* Service laterals = 3069
* Sewer manholes = 972
In the summer of 2023, Council awarded a contract to GeoAdvice Engineering Inc. and Urban Systems (subconsultant) to develop an asset management plan for the Township's sanitary sewer network. The purpose of the plan was to build off the previous studies and inspections and provide a roadmap for the Township to efficiently manage the sanitary sewer assets. The plan was to incorporate the Township's development and inflow and infiltration (I&I) goals, and utilize CCTV inspection videos, which the Township began collecting in 2017. The plan was to provide at least 20 years of lifecycle funding requirements, 10 years of priority replacements, upgrades and maintenance work, an updated sewer model, and a GIS database.
Since the contr...
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