File #: 23-329    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 6/7/2023 In control: Council
On agenda: 6/19/2023 Final action: 6/19/2023
Title: Tillicum and Lampson Active Transportation Improvements Contract Award
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Tillicum and Lampson Drawings, 2. Attachment 2 - Financial Summary



DATE:                       June 19, 2023                     Report No. EPW-23-012

TO:                       Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer                                           

FROM:                      Joel Clary, Director of Engineering and Public Works




Tillicum and Lampson Active Transportation Improvements Contract Award End





That Council:

a)                     Award construction contracts for Tillicum and Lampson Active Transportation Improvements to Hazelwood Construction Services Ltd.; and

b)                     Direct staff to complete the Bullen Field sidewalk connection to Lyall Street

as described in Staff Report EPW-23-012.





Purchasing and Disposal Bylaw, 2014, No. 2845

Active Transportation Network Plan





Healthy, Livable & Diverse Community

Local Services and Infrastructure





On April 27, 2023 Township staff posted a tender for active transportation improvements on Tillicum Road and Lampson Street, and optional surface works on Lyall Street. This follows previous engagement completed in December 2022 and Council direction from EPW-23-001. Background information is provided below on each project included in the tender (detailed design drawings are in Attachment 1 for reference). Traffic Orders that are required to implement the design shown in Attachment 1 will be brought to Council at a later date pending minor design modifications during construction.


Project 1 - Lampson Street Active Transportation Improvements 


The Lampson Street Active Transportation Improvements were identified as a part of the Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) as a short-term quick build network facility. Through the engagement process further pedestrian and traffic calming improvements were identified. The tendered project includes the following changes on Lampson Street and nearby roadways:


-                     Realignment of centreline from Lyall to Esquimalt Rd to transition to bike lanes north of Esquimalt Road

-                     New roadway paving in select areas

-                     Lighting upgrades at intersections

-                     New curb, gutter, sidewalk and ramps at various intersections to improve accessibility and safety

-                     New protected uni-directional bike lanes from Esquimalt to Colville

-                     Removal of on-street parking between Esquimalt Road and Colville Road

-                     New Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) multi-use crosswalk at Fernhill Road

-                     Removal of the traffic signal at Head and Old Esquimalt

-                     New RRFB multi-use crosswalk at Head and Old Esquimalt

-                     Signal/lighting upgrades at Lampson and Old Esquimalt, including southbound advanced left turn signal on Lampson

-                     New Northbound left turn restriction at peak hours on Lampson at Old Esquimalt

-                     New RRFB multi-use crosswalk at Lampson and Devonshire

-                     New RRFB multi-use crosswalk at Lampson and Colville

-                     New protected bi-directional bike lanes from Colville to Transfer

-                     New neighbourhood bikeways including traffic calming from Transfer to Craigflower

-                     New neighbourhood bikeways including traffic calming on Colville from Lampson to Tillicum

-                     Upgraded RRFB multi-use crosswalk at Lampson and Craigflower

-                     New protected bike lanes on Craigflower from Lampson to Tillicum


Project 2 - Tillicum Road Active Transportation Improvements 


The Tillicum Road Active Transportation Improvements were identified as a part of the ATNP as a short-term quick build network facility and pedestrian crossing on Tillicum. Through the engagement process further pedestrian and traffic calming improvements were identified. The tendered project includes the following changes on Tillicum Road and nearby roadways:


-                     Removal of one vehicle travel lane and switching from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction with a turning lane between Craigflower and the Gorge Bridge

-                     New roadway paving between Craigflower and the Gorge Bridge

-                     Signal phasing/timing improvements at Tillicum and Craigflower intersection

-                     New curb, gutter, sidewalk and ramps at various intersections to improve accessibility and safety

-                     New protected uni-directional bike lane on west side from Colville to Craigflower

-                     New protected uni-directional bike lanes from Craigflower to Gorge Bridge

-                     New RRFB multi-use crosswalk at Selkirk Avenue

-                     New RRFB multi-use crosswalk at 1075 Tillicum Road

-                     Lighting upgrades at intersections

-                     New protected bi-directional bike lanes from 1075 Tillicum Crossing to Gorge Point Park driveway


Project 3 - Bullen Field Sidewalk Connection to Lyall Street


A new sidewalk on the eastern side of Bullen Field through the Archie Browning Sports Centre parking lot was recently constructed within a previous tender. The sidewalk stopped short of Lyall Street to allow for a more thorough review of the design to ensure it aligned with future active transportation improvements (sidewalk) along Swinford Street. After reviewing this, staff identified an opportunity to improve the pedestrian crossing to the future sidewalk on Swinford Street by adding a curb bulge into Lyall Street at the driveway to the parking lot. This will improve pedestrian safety by reducing the crossing distance and address a grade issue where the driveway connects to Lyall Street. The grade challenges were confirmed by Esquimalt Fire Rescue who regularly use this entrance to access the Temporary Fire Hall. Following the design completion (see Attachment 1), the contractor was approached to finish the sidewalk, but costs provided were higher than expected. Staff included this work in the tender for Tillicum and Lampson improvements to seek better costs.


Tender Summary


The tender closed on June 5, 2023. The following is a summary of the three bids received:


Bidder                                                                                                                              Total Bid Amount (excludes GST)

Hazelwood Construction Services Ltd.                                          $4,190,020.40

G&E Contracting LP                                                                                    $4,650,000.00

Sparker Construction Ltd.                                                                                    $4,986,627.00


Staff and the Township’s consultant reviewed the bids and determined all three bids meet the requirements of the tender. Hazelwood Construction Services Ltd. (Hazelwood) is the low bidder and will be the only bid listed for the remainder of this report.


Below is a breakdown by project of the budget compared to the total costs using the low bid. All costs include consultant fees and construction bid amounts. Contingency is not included and is expected to be used from the difference between budget and projected costs. A detailed breakdown of budget and costs is included in Attachment 2.


Project #                     Funding Source                                          Budget                                          Total Project Costs

Project 1                     Community Works                                          $2,708,918.00                     $2,583,795.35

Project 2                     Multiple                                                               $2,139,461.44                     $1,789,489.00

Project 3                     Community Works                                          $150,000.00                                          $132,913.42


These tenders were based on MMCD Contracts, which permit the Township to change the quantities if the quantity change is 15% or less. Any change beyond 15% requires approval from the contractor and is subject to unit rate changes.




1.  Rationale for Selected Option


Projects 1 and 2 - Lampson and Tillicum Active Transportation Improvements


Staff recommend awarding a contract to the low bidder Hazelwood for:

-                     Project 1 - Lampson Active Transportation Improvements; and

-                     Project 2 - Tillicum Active Transportation Improvements.


The scope of work described in this report and shown in the design drawings in Attachment 1 for these projects reflects the ATNP, the scope identified in the successful grants from the Provincial and Federal governments, and includes the changes directed by Council following the project specific engagement identified in EPW-23-001. The only item not included is a southbound left turn lane on Lampson Street at Devonshire Road. A multi-use RRFB crosswalk was added at this location, but there was not sufficient space to also accommodate a left turn lane safely.


Since Council directed staff to complete the detailed design in January 2023, staff have completed the following additional stakeholder engagement:

-                     Presented at the Environmental, Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee;

-                     Multiple meetings with Esquimalt Fire Rescue to review the designs, identify potential fixes if future issues arise, and complete a ride a long in the ladder truck to better understand the trucks maneuverability; 

-                     Met with VicPD to review the designs;

-                     Shared designs with District of Saanich staff; and

-                     Site meeting with members of Capital Bikes to discuss concerns at Lampson and Devonshire.


Feedback regarding traffic impact concerns was further assessed by the consultant following the direction from Council to complete the design. The consultant assessed the key intersections along the corridor that will be affected and determined that with signal improvements the level of service will either stay the same or slightly improve with these projects. Queue lengths for vehicles will be longer at some locations, but by lengthening certain signal phases traffic should be able to move through intersections more efficiently. This review was limited to the Township of Esquimalt and does not take into account signals outside of the municipality.


The low bidder for these projects are within the budget and allow for sufficient contingency to be used during construction. If awarded, construction would start in July and continue into spring 2024.


Project 3 - Bullen Field Sidewalk Connection to Lyall Street


Staff recommend not awarding a contract to Hazelwood for the Bullen Field Sidewalk Connection to Lyall Street. The costs are excessive of what staff and our consultant feel are a reasonable price. A potential cause for this is because the scope of work is small compared to the other projects and further away from them. Staff are confident that Public Works can complete this work in a more cost-effective manner than is reflected in the bids. Public Works does not have capacity to take on the larger projects, but this project could be completed in a reasonable amount of time. Based on current capacity, it is expected that Public Works could complete this by Fall 2023. The cost of this project is being funded from the remaining Community Works funding from the contract for the Lyall Street Improvements and Bullen Field Sidewalk.


2.  Organizational Implications


These contracts will continue to be managed by Engineering & Public Works staff, along with a consultant. Management of these contracts can be accommodated within the department’s work plans.


3.  Financial Implications


Financial implications are described in the Background and Rationale for Selected Option sections of this report. The budget identified is approved in the 2023 to 2027 Financial Plan and utilizes up to $1,789,478 in other funding sources through Provincial and Federal grants, and a contribution from the development at 1075 Tillicum.


4.  Sustainability & Environmental Implications


Protected bike lanes on Tillicum and Lampson were identified as the first and second priorities for quick-build bike lanes in the ATNP. A sidewalk in the Archie Browning Sports Centre parking lot was the second priority for new sidewalks in the ATNP. These active transportation improvements play a significant role in mitigating climate change as the transportation sector accounts for 33% of the community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


5.  Communication & Engagement 


Multiple phases of engagement were completed during the development of the ATNP and project specific engagement for Tillicum and Lampson. Engagement information can be found at Communications during construction will be managed by staff and the contractor. Staff will mail a letter to all residents along the corridor in advance of construction to explain the project and impacts. The contractor will be required to notify residents during construction of traffic and pedestrian impacts. Staff will utilize social media and the Township’s website where necessary to communicate significant impacts.




1.                     That Council:

a)                     Award construction contracts for Tillicum and Lampson Active Transportation Improvements to Hazelwood Construction Services Ltd.; and

b)                     Direct staff to complete the Bullen Field sidewalk connection to Lyall Street

as described in Staff Report EPW-23-012.


2.                     That Council request additional information from staff.


3.                     That Council provide alternate direction to staff.