DATE: August 24, 2020 Report No. DEV-20-060
TO: Laurie Hurst, Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Tricia deMacedo, Policy Planner and Bill Brown, Director of Development Services
Letter of Support for Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative Grant Program
That Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached letter in support of the City of Victoria’s and District of Saanich’s grant application for the Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative administered by Natural Resources Canada.
Climate Emergency Declaration
Climate Action Charter
Official Community Plan
Healthy, Liveable and Diverse Community: Develop and implement strategies that reduce impact on the environment consistent with our Climate Action Charter goals.
Natural Resources Canada’s Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative supports projects that aim to increase awareness of ZEVs, and public charging and refueling infrastructure, through education and capacity-building activities to ultimately support a greater adoption of ZEVs by Canadians. The City of Victoria and the District of Saanich are preparing a grant application for the Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative administered by Natural Resources Canada and are requesting Letters of Support for their application. Both the Federal and Provincial Governments have committed to electrification of transportation and recognize that this is a key element to decarbonizing the sector and transitioning to a low-carbon future. The City and the District have provided information in the attached letter that outlines how they would seek to increase awareness of ZEVs and charging infrastructure throughout the Capital Region. The two local governments are not requesting any financial contribution or in-kind support but there could potentially be filming in the Esquimalt area and they would like to know that the Township is supportive of a ‘regional’ network of EV chargers narrative.
1. Rationale for Selected Option
Transportation is responsible for approximately 50% of most community greenhouse gas emissions. While active transportation and public transportation are the best alternatives from a land use perspective, vehicle electrification has much greater potential for GHG reduction in the shorter term.
2. Organizational Implications
There are no organization implications.
3. Financial Implications
Victoria and Saanich are not requesting any funding or in-kind support for this project.
4. Sustainability & Environmental Implications
Any promotion of vehicle electrification in the CRD will reach Esquimalt residents and increase the likelihood of EV uptake in the municipality.
5. Communication & Engagement
Electrification of vehicles will be a key component of the Township’s Climate Action Plan and our own communications and engagement strategy will be able to build upon the work started by this project, should it be successful in receiving funding.
1. That Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached letter in support of the City of Victoria’s and District of Saanich’s grant application for the Zero-Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative administered by Natural Resources Canada.
2. That Council not authorize the signing of the attached letter of support.
3. That Council give staff alternative direction.