MEETING DATE: March 3, 2025 Report No. EPW-25-004
TO: Council
FROM: Joel Clary, Director of Engineering & Public Works
SUBJECT: Garbage Truck - Contract Award
That Council award a contract to Rollins Machinery Ltd. in the amount of $650,565 (excluding GST) for a cab over garbage truck, as described in Staff Report EPW-25-004.
The purpose of this report is to award a contract for a new garbage truck to replace one of the two current trucks that are nearing end of life.
The Township has two diesel garbage trucks. One truck is primarily used to complete the daily collections on a rotating basis. The second garbage truck is used as a backup due to regular mechanical issues these types of vehicles experience with the rigorous use expected of a garbage truck. Following statutory holidays, staff use both trucks to catchup on the missed collection day.
Both Township’s garbage trucks are nearing the end of life. Staff budgeted for the replacement of both trucks in 2024, at $600,000 each ($1,200,000 total). A review of the suitability for replacement with an electric vehicle was completed as part of the Fleet Electrification Plan that was presented during the July 15, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting. The plan recommends to replace one truck in 2025 with a new diesel garbage truck and wait until 2028 to explore an electric garbage truck, when technology is expected to improve. In this scenario the Township would utilize the new diesel truck and keep both existing ones as backup trucks until a second new truck is procured in 2028.
In early 2025, staff sought pricing on a garbage truck that meets the Township’s needs using Canoe Procurement Group (Canoe). This group is a joint purchasing group that provides procurement services using preferred rates from prequalified vendors. In November 2023, the Township’s Purchasing and Disposal Bylaw was updated to permit the use of Canoe (see FIN-23-013 from the November 6th Council meeting). Through Canoe, the Township received two bids from Rollins Machinery Ltd. for two different types of trucks that met staff’s requirements. The main difference between the two types of trucks is the cab layout. The lowest bid of $529,197 reflects a conventional cab; whereas, the highest bid of $650,565 reflects a cab over. A cab over places the engine underneath the cab, resulting in a flatter front of the vehicle compared to a conventional cab that has the engine in front of the cab, extending the front face of the vehicle.
The current garbage trucks are conventional cabs. The current trucks meet the needs of the Township, but require highly skilled drivers to navigate the narrow roadways that come with an urban municipality. To address the challenges drivers face, staff requested pricing on both a conventional cab and a cab over, as a cab over vehicle increases maneuverability and sightlines. This is due to the front face of a cab over being flat, so the driver has a clear view of what’s immediately in front of them. The shorter cab results in a shorter vehicle and a tighter turning radius. Public Works staff, including the staff operating the current garbage trucks, identified the cab over as the preferred truck, due to these benefits.
Due to the significant price difference in the two options, staff further explored if the benefits of the cab over are worth the added cost. Through discussions with staff at the District of Saanich and private haulers, staff understand that the majority of new vehicles of this size being procured in the region are cab overs due to the improved maneuverability and sightlines.
As an urban municipality with narrow roadways that are only expected to narrow further with the implementation of the Active Transportation Network Plan, staff believe the added benefits of a cab over are justified over the estimated 12-year life of the truck. Given these considerations, staff recommend procuring the cab over garbage truck from Rollins Machinery Ltd. worth $650,565 due to the increased safety that comes with higher maneuverability and better sightlines.
Environmental Impact:
Electric garbage trucks are new technology and procurement in Canada is very limited. The Fleet Electrification Plan recommends exploring procurement of an electric garbage truck starting in 2028.
1. That Council award a contract to Rollins Machinery Ltd. in the amount of $650,565 (excluding GST) for a cab over garbage truck, as described in Staff Report EPW-25-004.
2. That Council award a contract to Rollins Machinery Ltd. in the amount of $529,197 (excluding GST) for a conventional cab garbage truck.
3. That Council provide alternative direction to staff.
4. That Council request further information from staff.
Good Governance & Organizational Excellence
The cost of the cab over vehicle (excluding GST) of $650,565 is over the approved $600,000 budget. If Council awards the cab over vehicle, the added cost will be funded through the Machinery & Equipment Reserve Fund. As staff presented at the February 24, 2025 Committee of the Whole, an increase in funding is needed to provide long term sustainable funding in the Machinery & Equipment Reserve Fund. To reduce the cost of a new garbage truck, staff thoroughly considered recommending a conventional cab, but consider that the most appropriate choice for Township roads is the cab over model. In addition to requests for increased funding for sustainable fleet management, staff will be required to find new ways to save on future fleet replacement costs (e.g. exploring used vehicles and by extending the life of other vehicles).
No community engagement has been completed for this procurement.
Once the garbage truck is ordered, it is expected to take 12-months before final delivery.
1. Ian Irvine, Director of Finance, Reviewed
2. Deb Hopkins, Director of Corporate Services, Reviewed
3. Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer, Concurrence