File #: 25-025    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Period Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/15/2025 In control: Special Committee of the Whole
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action:
Title: Engineering & Public Works Departments - 2024 Third Period Report
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DATE:                       January 27, 2025                     Report No. EPW-25-001

TO:                       Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer

FROM:                      Joel Clary, Director of Engineering & Public Works

SUBJECT:TITLEEngineering & Public Works Departments - 2024 Third Period Report



The following is a report on the activities pertaining to the Engineering & Public Works Departments from September 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.




1.                     Sanitary Sewer

                     3 new service laterals installed this period (10 total for the year).

                     7 service laterals replaced (due to blockages) this period (25 total for the year).

                     Test and clear inspections as and when required.

                     2 new manholes installed this period (4 total for the year).


2.                     Pump Stations

                     Crews have been carrying out routine maintenance activities.

                     Annual pump maintenance/controls inspections of kiosks completed in the second period. Pump inspections completed in the third period of 2024.

                     Program also includes coordinating similar activities for View Royal pump stations.

                     No overflow events to report in the third period.


3.                     Storm Drains

                     4 new service laterals installed this period (8 total for the year).

                     5 service laterals replaced (due to blockages) this period (14 total for the year).

                     Test and clear inspections as and when required.

                     1 new manhole installed this period (4 total for the year).

                     2 catch basins replaced this period (2 total for the year).

                     2 new catch basins installed this period (5 total for the year).

                     Program for catch basin cleaning completed in the third period by a contractor.


4.                     Liquid Waste Management Plan

                     Participated on the Esquimalt Liaison Committee, with a meeting in November 2024. CRD continues to receive and investigate odour complaints.

                     CRD completing update to the I&I section of the Core Area Liquid Waste Management Plan. Working group was provided an update in March 2024 regarding planned updates to the I&I section. No further updates during the second or third period of 2024.


5.                     Roads

                     Pothole repairs being carried out as required.

                     Painting of curbs, driveway tips, crosswalks and stop bars began in the second period and completed in the third period.

                     Centre line painting on roads completed in the second period.

                     Crack sealing occurred in the third period of 2024.

                     Mill and pave to accommodate thermoplastic to refresh crosswalks completed in the third period.

                     Major repair/minor capital works completed in the third period with several locations requiring repairs via asphalt removal and replacement.

                     Approximately 1355 tonnes of asphalt placed for the period (2359.65 tonnes total for the year).


6.                     Traffic Management

                     Traffic orders and sign installations are ongoing.

                     2024 traffic signal maintenance program delayed due to contractor availability. Maintenance to be shifted into 2025.


7.                     Sidewalk Maintenance

                     Carried out surface restoration for third parties.

                     Approximately 30 cubic meters of concrete (includes curb and gutter and sidewalk panels) was placed in the third period (138.3 cubic meters total for the year).

                     Approximately 58.3 linear meters was replaced in the period (491.5 linear meters total for the year).


8.                     Sidewalk Ramps

                     Accessibility improvements at Lampson and Wollaston intersection completed in third period.


9.                     Trip Hazards

                     As per Council Policy PLAN-17 Sidewalk Maintenance, trip hazard inspection survey completed for this year. Establishing new baseline and review areas while maintaining 3-year cycles.

                     Work completed:

o                     0 - No.1 trip hazards completed this period.

o                     0 - No. 2 trip hazards completed this period.

o                     0 - No. 3 trip hazards completed this period.


10.                     Bus Shelters

                     Normal maintenance is ongoing, including refuse collection, graffiti removal.

                     Staff are seeing an increase in graffiti at bus shelters and will explore additional resources in 2025 to assist with maintaining historic levels of service levels for bus stop maintenance, which has decreased over time as other demands on staff time have increased.


11.                     Solid Waste Management

Garbage and Kitchen Scraps Collection

                     Operations normal.

                     Number of additional garbage and organics bins purchased to the end of period = 24 (total additional bins purchased since 2014 = 551).

                     Tonnage of garbage waste stream collected for period = 340.92 (total for the year = 1016.41).

                     Tonnage of kitchen scraps stream collected for period = 197.54 (total for the year = 550.07).

                     Tonnage for garbage and kitchen scraps streams for the year = 1566.48 (total for same period 2023 = 1560.51).

                     Garbage bins from initial 2014 program rollout are failing. Purchased 450 new waste bins in third period of 2024.


Yard and Garden

                     Usage of transfer station during period: September 1 to December 31, 2024:

o                     Esquimalt residents = 5,099 (16,363 total for the year).

o                     View Royal residents = 4,064 (13,327 total for the year).

o                     Commercial = 12 (45 total for the year).

o                     Tonnage removed from site = 834.76 (2,169.32 total for the year).

o                     Tonnage removed in 2023 third period = 765.6 (total for 2023 = 1,928.44).



                     Operations normal for second period.

                     Staff preparing a new contract for tender in 2025 for municipal facilities.


12.                     Fleet                     

                     Operations normal.

                     Council approved the Fleet Electrification Plan in the second period of 2024. Staff began work with consultant to develop a plan for charging infrastructure in the third period of 2024.

                     Specifications preparation underway with tender release expected in first period of 2025:

§                     Garbage truck


                     Exploring options, including lighter duty or used vehicles, for a Garbage Packer (Curbster)


                     Vehicles being delayed to extend useful life:

§                     ¾ ton truck

§                     Sewer van

§                     Crane truck (repairs completed in the second period of 2024 to extend life and resumed service)


                     Vehicles in progress:

§                     Bike lane street sweeper received in third period of 2024 and put in service

§                     Street Sweeper purchased in third period and awaiting delivery in 2025


13.                     Work Orders

                     Work orders for call outs and/or repairs at View Royal pump stations for the period = 4 (total for the year = 21).

                     Work orders issued for asphalt/sidewalk repairs following work by other utilities for the period = 9 (total for the year = 42).

                     Work orders issued for new sanitary and storm services to accommodate new development in the period = 1 (total for the year = 17).

                     Work orders issued for new curb/gutter/sidewalk in preparation for new development in the period = 1 (total for the year = 10).

                     Work orders issued to cap sanitary and storm services in preparation for new development in the period = 1 (total for the year =8).


14.                     Public Works Calls For Service

                     Number of Calls for Service assigned to Public Works this period = 344 (total for the year = 919).

                     Number of Calls for Service completed by Public Works this period = 326 (total for the year = 898).


15.00.                     Capital Projects


15.01.                     Annual Traffic Counts

                      Bi-annual traffic counts were complete within the Township between September and November with compiled data expected in first period of 2025.


15.02.                     Review of SCADA Upgrade System

                     A formal agreement to continue to use CRD’s SCADA system for sanitary pump stations is expected in 2025. No changes to the existing operations are expected from this agreement.


15.03.                     Public Works Fuel Tanks

                     Council awarded a contract in the second period of 2024 to replace the two below ground fuel tanks with one dual compartment tank above ground. Installation began in the third period with completion expected in early 2025.


15.04.                     Coastal Infrastructure Management

                     Due to staffing/competing priorities, work on this project has been on hold.


15.05.                     Westbay Walkway Design

                     The wooden structure is showing its age and requires increased maintenance.

                     Engineering is developing a scope of work for an RFP to complete a structural assessment of the walkway. Assessment expected to occur in 2025 and include recommendations for maintenance and repairs.


15.06. Parking Study

                     The Integrated Parking Management Plan was endorsed by Council in the first period of 2024. The corresponding Action Plan that provides priorities and impacts was endorsed by Council in the second period of 2024.

                     Staff will prepare budget requests per the Action Plan starting in 2025.


15.07.                     Integrated Resource Management Business Case Development

                     Staff provided a report and associated information for Council’s consideration of next steps in September 2023. Council directed staff to explore biochar testing and confirm funding availability from CRD.

                     CRD confirmed $50,000 of funding is available to Esquimalt for this project.

                     Through discussions with consultants, staff explored biochar testing options in the second period. An update to Council is expected in the first period of 2025.


15.08.                     Municipal Hall Roof Replacement

                     Council awarded a contract to Flynn Canada at the end of the third period of 2024 to replace the upper roof in 2025. This is the last remaining section of the original roof to be replaced.


15.09.                     Street Light Replacement Program

                     Staff work with a consultant to calculate required lighting levels when each light is replaced.

                     93 replacements took place in third period of 2024.

                     Staff completed another Township wide review in the third period and identified 33 purple lights that need to be replaced. These lights have been ordered and will be replaced under warranty by a third-party contractor.


15.10.                     Decorative Street Light Pole Replacement

                     Decorative poles in median islands on Esquimalt Road were at the end of life and were replaced with new poles in the first period of 2023. Remaining electrical issues were resolved in third period of 2024.


15.11.                     Banners

                     Public Works installed new banners in the third period that were procured by a staff working group led by Human Resources and Community Relations staff.


15.12. Road Corridor Program

                     Contractor hired in the second period of 2021 for completing the remaining inspections of the storm and sanitary collection systems through CCTV camera inspections.

                     Access issues resulted in contractor delay but completion was reached in the first period of 2024.

                     Inspection results to be used in Sanitary and Storm Sewer Asset Management Plans.


15.13.                     Active Transportation Network Plan Implementation

                     Pedestrian Facilities:

§                     New sidewalk on Munro between Kinver and Lampson to be completed in the first and second period of 2025, after a short section of drain main is replaced on the north side.

§                     Staff developed concepts for completing the sidewalk connections between Lyall and Munro (ATNP Action 1D) on Swinford Street, Heald Avenue and Kinver Street. Staff continue to refine the design of the new sidewalk and will retain a consultant to tender the work in 2025.

§                     To make Constance Avenue south of Lyall Street more pedestrian friendly, staff completed a traffic calming concept in 2024. As part of this plan, speed humps were installed in the third period of 2024, with  pavement markings and wooden planters expected in the first period of 2025.

§                     In coordination with the proposed sidewalk as part of 820 Dunsmuir Street frontage works, staff will reconstruct the northeast and northwest corners of Wollaston and Dunsmuir and establish a new pedestrian crossing across Dunsmuir. Due to tree conflicts, much of the asphalt sidewalk replacement has been removed from Wollaston to Esquimalt Road. Surface improvements will be made in lieu. Construction expected in the first period of 2025.


                     Cycling Facilities:

§                     Bike/Scooters Traffic Counter on Tillicum Rd south of Gorge Point Park was installed in late May 2024. Bike/E-Scooter counts for 2024 are as follows:

                     Third Period of 2024: 28368 counts. 77% Bikes, 10% Cargo Bikes, 13% E-Scooters                     

                     Year to Date: (June 1 - December 31, 2024): 58378 counts. 82% Bikes, 5% Cargo Bikes,13% E-Scooters                     

§                     Protected bike lanes on Tillicum from Gorge Bridge to Craigflower and on Lampson from Craigflower to Esquimalt Road are complete. Minor restorations are required due to Motor Vehicle Incidents (MVI) and expected to be complete in the first period of 2025.

§                     Esquimalt Road Phase 1 - Dominion to Joffre - Active Transportation Improvements

                     Further refinements to the detailed design continues, with construction expected to second period of 2025, pending results of grant funding application.

§                     Esquimalt Road Phase 2 - Joffre to Canteen - Active Transportation Improvements

                     Staff started engagement on Phase 2 in the third period with additional engagement scheduled for early 2025. Following engagement, a What We Heard Report will be provided to Council in the first period of 2025.


                     Complete Street, Complete Intersections:

§                     Esquimalt and Dunsmuir Intersection Review (ATNP Action 3B)

                     Staff developed design concepts that are included in Esquimalt Road Phase 1 engagement materials.

§                     Craigflower Crossing Improvements (ATNP Action 3C)

                     Staff continue to refine conceptual designs and plan to retain a consultant in first period of 2025 to complete detailed design on all existing crosswalks along Craigflower. Pedestrian activation to be included for all crossings. Implementation planned for 2025.

§                     Devonshire/Fairview (ATNP Action 3D)

                     Staff performed manual traffic counts in 2023. Staff to complete 4-way stop warrant in 2025.

§                     Esquimalt/Fernhill Intersection Review (ATNP Action 3E)

                     Staff will include this intersection review with Esquimalt Road Phase 2. Current concept includes converting this intersection from a half signal to a Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) due to aging infrastructure.

§                     Conduct Minor Intersection Reviews (ATNP Action 3F)

                     Further reviews to occur following other reviews listed or as part of traffic calming opportunities.

§                     Admirals/Colville Intersection Review (ATNP Action 3G)

                     Staff to review signal timing and phasing, and explore opportunities for minor intersection changes in 2025. Detailed design and construction to follow in 2026.

§                     Esquimalt/Head Intersection Review (ATNP Action 3H)

                     Staff will include this intersection review with Esquimalt Road Phase 1. Sidewalk/corner ramps and traffic signal cabinet/controller upgrades currently identified.

§                     Fraser Street / Munro Street / Bewdley Street Intersection Review (ATNP Action 3I)

                     Engineering working with Parks and Recreation staff to complete street mural. Due to weather, the work has been postponed to 2025.

§                     Esquimalt/Admirals Intersection Review (ATNP Action 3J)

                     Staff will include this intersection review with Esquimalt Road Phase 2. Sidewalk/corner ramps and traffic signal cabinet/controller upgrades currently identified.

§                     Dominion/Ellery/Powderly Crosswalk:

                     Staff continue to work with the City of Victoria to finalize design drawings. Construction is planned for early 2025.



                     Lower Speeds (ATNP Action 3M):

§                     Staff continued to adjust and add speed limit signs as required in the third period of 2024.

§                     Staff to procure several permanent speed reader boards with installation expected in early 2025.

§                     Staff continued to utilize the annual traffic calming budget to identify/implement temporary and permanent improvements in 2024. Staff completed the installation of centreline bollards, centre medians and speed humps on Rockheights Avenue between Old Esquimalt and Lampson Street. Additional pavement markings to be applied in early 2025 as weather allows.

§                     Staff will continue to identify future traffic calming projects and apply to ICBC for grant support when eligible.


15.14. ETAG (Esquimalt Together Against Graffiti)

                     Public Works and Parks Departments continue to carry out work on the public realm as required.

                     In the third period of 2024, Council incorporated ETAG into the Council Priorities Plan. Staff expect to complete a call for volunteers to revive ETAG in the third period of 2025.


15.15.                     Sewer and Drain Capital / I&I

                     Staff will replace a 10 metre section of storm main on Munro Street near Lampson Street in 2025.

                     Two 5 to 10 metre sections of storm main on Head Street between Esquimalt Road and Wollaston Street were repaired in the third period of 2024.

                     Consultant to be retained in first period of 2025 to complete detailed designs for repairs on Gosper Crescent, pump replacements at the Uganda Pump Station, and any additional main replacements. This includes 252 metres of sewer and drain mains causing minor contamination at Gorge Creek outfall. Construction expected in 2025.

                     Additional main replacements/upgrades expected to be finalized as part of the Sewer Asset Management Plan that’s expected in the first period of 2025.


15.16.                     Sewer Asset Management Plan

                     This project is to develop an overall asset management plan for the sewer network that identifies long term funding requirements in order to maintain current levels of service.

                     Consultant has completed pump station inspections, sewer modelling, and condition assessments. The consultant is currently compiling the information in a report, along with recommended actions. Staff expect the consultant to present the complete Sewer Asset Management Plan to Council in the first period of 2025.


15.17.                     Storm Asset Management Plan

                     This project is to develop an overall asset management plan for the storm sewer network that identifies long term funding requirements in order to maintain current levels of service. Consultant expected to be retained in the first period of 2025, with completion expected in 2026.


15.18.                     Facilities Asset Management Plan

                     This project is to develop an overall asset management plan for municipal facilities. Consultant expected to be retained in the first period of 2025, with completion expected in 2026.


16.0                     Traffic Orders

                     Number of Traffic Orders issued this period = 0 (total for the year = 8).


17.0.                     Development Applications

                     Number of development applications for Engineering comments this period = 12 (total for the year = 29). This number includes rezoning and subdivision applications.

                     Number of building permit applications for Engineering comments this period = 23 (total for the year = 78). This number includes demo permits.


II.                     COMMITTEES


                     No Engineering staff is appointed to sit on any Council appointed committees.