File #: 25-074    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/28/2025 In control: APC Design Review Committee
On agenda: 3/12/2025 Final action:
Title: Development Permit Application - 602, 608, 612 & 618 Nelson Street and 1319, 1331 & 1347 Sussex Street
Attachments: 1. Appendix A: Aerial Map and CD No. 164 Zone, 2. Appendix B: Architectural Drawings and Landscape Plan, 3. Appendix C: Applicant’s Comments for Development Permit Area Guidelines, 4. Appendix D: Applicant’s Presentation



DATE:                       March 12, 2025                     Report No. DRC-25-004

TO:                       Chair and Members of the Design Review Committee

FROM:                      Alex Tang, Planner and Bill Brown, Director of Development Services




Development Permit Application - 602, 608, 612 & 618 Nelson Street and 1319, 1331 & 1347 Sussex Street






That the Esquimalt Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the application for a development permit authorizing the form and character of the proposed multi-family residential development consistent with the architectural plans provided by Formed Alliance Architecture Studio and landscape plan provided by Scatliff Miller Murray, to be located at 602, 608, 612 & 618 Nelson Street and 1319, 1331 & 1347 Sussex Street be forwarded to Council with a recommendation to either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application including reasons for the chosen recommendation.





Declaration of Climate Emergency

Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2018, No. 2922

Zoning Bylaw, 1992, No 2050

Parking Bylaw, 1992, No. 2011

Development Application Procedures and Fees Bylaw, 2012, No. 2791

Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw, 2012, No. 2792

Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw, 1997, No. 2175

Local Government Act








Appendix A: Aerial Map and CD No. 164 Zone

Appendix B: Architectural Drawings and Landscape Plan

Appendix C: Applicant’s Comments for Development Permit Area Guidelines

Appendix D: Applicant’s Presentation






The applicant is proposing to build a 6-storey, 245-unit multiple-family residential building.  Comprehensive Development District No. 164 of Esquimalt Zoning Bylaw 1992, No. 2050 [Appendix A] has been written to regulate this development.


This site is located within Development Permit Area No. 1 - Natural Environment, Development Permit Area No. 5 - Commercial, Development Permit Area No. 6 - Multi-Family Residential, Development Permit Area No. 7 - Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction, and Development Permit Area No. 8 - Water Conservation.  A development permit is required to ensure that the application is generally consistent with the development permit area guidelines contained within the Esquimalt Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2018, No. 2922.  A development permit is required prior to a building permit being issued for construction.


Evaluation of this application should focus on issues regarding the form and character of the development, including landscaping, exterior design, and finish of the building in relation to the relevant development permit area guidelines.  In addition, evaluation should focus on natural environment protection, energy conservation, greenhouse gas reduction, and water conservation in relation to the relevant development permit area guidelines.




Applicant: Aquila Pacific Developments Ltd.


Owner: Nelson Esquimalt Development Ltd., Inc.No. BC1308317


Architect: Formed Alliance Architecture Studio


Total Property Size:                     Metric: 4298 m2                     Imperial: 46270 ft2


OCP Land Use Designation: Commercial / Commercial Mixed-Use


Zone: CD-164


Existing Land Use: Multiple Family Residential

Proposed Land Use: Commercial and Multiple Family Residential [6 Storeys]


Surrounding Land Uses:

North: Multiple Family Residential [4-Storey Apartment]

South: Multiple Family Residential [1-Storey Triplex]

East: Multiple Family Residential [3-Storey Townhouses]

West: Multiple Family Residential [3-Storey Apartments and 3-Storey Townhouses]






This site is located within Development Permit Area No. 1 - Natural Environment, Development Permit Area No. 4 - Commercial, Development Permit Area No. 6 - Multi-Family Residential, Development Permit Area No. 7 - Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction, and Development Permit Area No. 8 - Water Conservation.  The guidelines of these Development Permit Areas are contained within the Esquimalt Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2018, No.2922.


As Council is required to consider all the Official Community Plan guidelines from these Development Permit Areas in evaluating this application, the applicant has submitted a document addressing these guidelines [Appendix C].


Development Permit Area No. 1 is designated for the purpose of establishing objectives for the protection of the natural environment, its ecosystems and biological diversity.


OCP Section 18.5.2 Natural Features

The soil will be removed and disturbed for the construction of the underground parkade.  The existing oak tree on the south will be preserved while the rest of the trees will be replaced.


OCP Section 18.5.3 Biodiversity

The applicant has included landscaping consistent with these guidelines, noting that the plant species chosen include native species, drought-tolerant species, and non-invasive species that offer songbird and pollinator habitat.


OCP Section 18.5.4 Natural Environment

The applicant has proposed six maple trees along the southwestern corner and pine trees along the western interior lot line.


OCP Section 18.5.5 Drainage and Erosion

The applicant is proposing native conifers in addition to the retention of the existing Garry oak that will aid in the absorption of water.


OCP Section 18.5.7 Native Bird Biodiversity

Habitat features such as trees and shrubs will be included to protect and enhance native bird biodiversity.


Development Permit Area No. 4 is designated for the purpose of establishing objectives for the form and character of commercial developments.


OCP Section 21.5 Commercial Guidelines

The applicant has included a street-level commercial unit with a glass façade.


Development Permit Area No. 6 is designated for the purpose of establishing objectives for the form and character of multi-family residential development.


OCP Section 23.5 Multi-Family Residential Guidelines

The applicant has taken measures to provide adequate setback and landscaping.  The applicant has provided a public realm in the southeastern area.  Exposed walls have been cladded and screened with evergreen landscaping.  Commercial space and private patios are provided to frame the eastern street corners.


Development Permit Area No. 7 is designated for the purposes of energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction.


OCP Section 24.5.1 Siting of buildings and structures

The commercial unit is located at grade along Esquimalt Road with the residential units above.  The proposed landscape plan includes plants with varying heights and foliage densities.  Usable outdoor amenity space is provided in the form of a park dedication in the southern area.


OCP Section 24.5.2 Form and exterior design of buildings and structures

The applicant states that they have designed and placed the roof, overhangs, and windows appropriately and consistent to the guidelines where applicable.  The applicant is proposing a rooftop amenity area and private balconies.


OCP Section 24.5.3 Landscaping

The landscape plan consists of preserving the existing Garry oak tree while planting a mix of maple and pine trees.  Other multi-stemmed plants and shrubs are planted throughout.


OCP Section 24.5.4 Machinery, equipment and systems external to buildings and other structures

The applicant is proposing a building that will be constructed to Step 3 of the BC Energy Step Code.


OCP Section 24.5.5 Special Features


The applicant will select durable local building products where possible.


Development Permit Area No. 8 is designated for the purpose of water conservation.


OCP Section 25.5.1 Building and Landscape Design

The civil engineering design will include a retention tank below grade to aid in retaining the first 3 centimetres of stormwater.


OCP Section 25.5.2 Landscaping - Select Plantings for Site and Local Conditions

The applicant states that the proposed development has given consideration into the selection and placement of plant species consistent with these guidelines, including the planting of native species.


OCP Section 25.5.3 Landscaping - Retaining Stormwater on Site

The applicant states that they are generally consistent with these guidelines.  The retention of the Garry oak with proposed native conifers will assist in creating an absorbent landscape.


OCP Section 25.5.4 Landscaping - Water Features and Irrigation Systems

The applicant states that the proposed development will install plantings and irrigation to Canadian Landscape Standard.




CD No. 164 (with the park dedication)

Residential Units


Floor Area Ratio


Lot Coverage (underground parking level)


Lot Coverage at or above the First Storey




Southern interior (Esquimalt Road)

0 m


3.0 m

Nelson Street

3.0 m

Sussex Street

3.0 m

Building Height

22 m [6 storeys]

Off Street Parking

230 spaces

Bicycle Parking

253 resident spaces

Park Space

425 m2 [9.9%]




Please comment on the form and character of the building, the site plan, landscaping, and other matters pertaining to the development permit area guidelines. 





1. That the Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the development permit application be approved including reasons for this recommendation.


2. That the Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the development permit application be approved subject to conditions, including reasons for this recommendation.


3. That the Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the development permit application be denied including reasons for this recommendation.