File #: 25-012    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Period Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/10/2025 In control: Special Committee of the Whole
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action:
Title: Human Resources & Community Relations - 2024 3rd Period Report
Attachments: 1. Appendix A P3 2024 - Economic Development, 2. Appendix B P3 2024 - Communications
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DATE:                       January 27, 2025                      Report No. ADM-25-006

TO:                       Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer

FROM:                      Vicki Gannon, Director of Human Resources & Community Relations 

SUBJECT:TITLEHuman Resources & Community Relations - 2024 3rd Period Report



The following is a report on the activities pertaining to the Human Resources & Community Relations department from September 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 .




1.                     Occupational Health and Safety


The Occupational Health and Safety Manager:


                     Managed all active WorkSafeBC and LTD claims:


o                     3 active WorkSafeBC claims at the start of the period: 3 active as of December 31.

o                     2 active LTD claims at the start of the period; 2 remained active as of December 31.

o                     0 WorkSafeBC employee appeals managed at start of period; 1 appeal being managed as of December 31.

                     1 employee on medical leave at the start of the period; 1 employee on medical leave as of December 31.

                     Secured relief of costs on one past WorkSafeBC claim through audit and appeal.

                     Performed risk assessments for 6 different positions at the Township of Esquimalt.

                     Completed safety inspections for all Township buildings.

                     Audited and updated policies for all 4 Joint Occupational Health and Safety (JOHS) committees.

                     Participated in JOHS committee meetings.

                     Developed 9 new policies and procedures.

                     Delivered multiple safety talks to Public Works staff.

                     The Township’s adjusted claim costs have significantly decreased, as follows:

o                     2023 Adjusted Claim Costs:  $258,343.40 (January 1 - December 31)

o                     2024 Adjusted Claim Costs:  $163,232.52 (January 1 - December 31)



2.                     Human Resources


Training and development:


Bystander Training:

There were two cohorts held with 52 staff members attending this training. The training covered racism and its history, understanding micro-aggressions, and recognizing when to intervene if there’s a potential for harm to someone.

Records Management training:

Everyone in the department attended a records management training session this period that informed staff of the importance of adherence to legislation and policies and to outline procedures that are required in maintaining the Township’s records.


There were 6 regular positions filled this period


                     Out of School Care Supervisor

                     Gardener II

                     Purchasing Clerk

                     Freedom of Information Assistant

                     Events & Arena Programs Supervisor

                     Programmer, Child Youth and Family Services


In progress:

                     Accounting Coordinator (temporary full-time)


In addition, HR sent out an expression of interest for vacation coverage for administrative positions.  There was interest both internally and externally, and three internal auxiliary and part time employees were placed on a list and will be trained to perform coverage when full time administrative staff are away on vacation or other extended absences.


Labour Relations:


The Collective Agreements between the Township and CUPE Local 374, and IAFF Local 4264 expired effective December 31, 2024.  Staff are preparing for bargaining with CUPE Local 374, which is expected to begin in March 2025.  There have been no discussions with IAFF Local 4264 to initiate bargaining.


Human Resources - General:


                     Staff completed STATS Canada survey in December: regarding job vacancies and wages.

                     The Director of HR and Community Relations attended a full day of meetings in December as a Trustee on both the GVLRA/LTD Trust and the Capital Area Benefit Trust.

                     Staff responded to requests from other municipalities for salary information, job descriptions, onboarding processes, and overtime compensation information.

                     Policy Updates:  4 policies were reviewed and updated this period:

o                     M-PER-01 Scheduling and Carry-Over of Annual Vacation for CUPE and Exempt Employees

o                     PER - 05 Terms and Conditions of Employment for Officers, Managers, and Exempt Employees

o                     M-PER-26 Working from Home

o                     M-PER-23 Modified Work Week for CUPE staff

                     A 3 year HR Plan was drafted with the assistance of a hired consultant, with input from Directors, Managers and Union Presidents. The draft plan outlines the scope and plans for Human Resources over the next three years.

                     A list of competencies, with associated measurements assigned by levels that apply to all staff, was developed to guide and inform the Township in the areas of performance management, recruitment, training, development and succession planning.

                     New performance evaluation forms for CUPE and management staff were developed to align with new competencies.


Community Relations:


Volunteer Recognition Event

On Saturday, Oct 26 a Volunteer Recognition luncheon was held in the Wardroom at CFB Esquimalt to recognize the contributions of the Committees of Council and the Archives Volunteers:            

Flag Raising Ceremony

On Friday, November 1, 2024, the Esquimalt (Kosapsum) Nation’s flag and Songhees Nation’s flag were raised at both the Municipal Hall and the Gorge Park Pavilion, with Mayor and Council, Kosapsum Nation’s Chief and Council, and Songhees Nation’s Chief and Council in attendance, followed by a celebratory dinner at the pavilion featuring a performance from Lekwungen dancers and singers.


Long Term Service Recognition

The Long Term Service Recognition event was held in Council Chambers on December 13th. This year, we had 44 full time, part time and auxiliary staff acknowledged for 10, 15, 20 and 30 years of service. Those able to attend the event in person were given their milestone pin by Mayor Desjardins along with a keepsake gift.

Flu Clinic

The onsite flu clinic for employees was held Wednesday, October 30th from 12-4pm.

28 staff received the quadrivalent flu vaccine.


New Employee Orientation (NEO) Modules

The Township’s customized online New Employee Orientation Modules, originally implemented in 2018, were updated and are now available on the Township’s intranet for new staff to view.

HR Onboarding Process

HR initiated a review of the electronic onboarding process that was implemented in 2023. A collaborative meeting was held with HR, Finance, and IT to evaluate the system’s effectiveness and outline areas for improvements, with IT implementing the recommended changes.


3.                     Economic Development


See Appendix A



4.                     Communications


See Appendix B