File #: 25-024    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Period Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/15/2025 In control: Special Committee of the Whole
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action:
Title: Development Services Department - 2024 Third Period Report
Attachments: 1. Appendix "A" Housing Matrix December 31, 2024, 2. Appendix "B" Ongoing Application Status As of December 31, 2024 (Third Period 2024)
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DATE:                       January 27, 2025                     Report No. DEV-25-001

TO:                       Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer

FROM:                      Bill Brown, Director of Development Services

SUBJECT:TITLE Development Services Department - 2024 Third Period Report



The following is a report on the activities pertaining to the Development Services Department from September 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.




1.                     Rezoning Application / Official Community Plan Amendments


In addition to processing rezoning applications submitted previously (Appendix “B”), the Department received three new rezoning & OCP amendment applications in the third period:


                     621 Constance Avenue - New 6-storey, 17-unit, multi family project

                     1007 Arcadia Street - Two sets of new triplexes (total of 6-units)

                     909 McNaughton Avenue - Home daycare facility


2.                     Development Permit (DP) Applications


In addition to the existing development permit applications that staff continued to process (Appendix “B”), the department received six new applications in the third period:


                     1219 Old Esquimalt Road (Delegated) - Addition of one unit to existing single unit dwelling

                     847 Colville Road - New childcare centre at the High School

                     863 Parklands Drive (Delegated) - Duplex with suites (SSMUH)

                     640 Lampson Street (Delegated) - Two duplexes (SSMUH)

                     861-863 Esquimalt Road - 6-storey, 59 Unit Multi-family

                     809 Intervale Avenue (Delegated) - 4 Unit Townhouse (SSMUH)


3.                     Development Variance Permit (DVP) Applications


No new applications were received in the third period. See Appendix “B” for ongoing applications.



4.                      Board of Variance Application (BOV)


No new applications were received in the third period. There are no ongoing applications.


5.                     Heritage Alteration Permits (HAP)


No new applications were received in the third period. See Appendix “B” for ongoing applications.


6.                     Subdivision Applications


In addition to the existing development permit applications that staff continued to process (Appendix “B”), the department received one new application in the third period:


                     1073 Colville Road - Proposed two-lot subdivision with 3 townhouses planned on each lot.


7.                     Temporary Use Permit [TUP] Applications


No new applications were received in the third period. There are no ongoing applications.


8.                     Liquor Licence Applications


No new applications were received in the third period. There are no ongoing applications.


9.                     Legal Documents


No new applications were received in the third period. See Appendix “B” for ongoing applications.


10.                     Other Planning Projects


                     Worked with the consulting team on the Integrated Parking Study.

                     Worked on an Omnibus Amending Bylaw for the Zoning Bylaw, 1992, No. 2050.

                     Prepared Request for Proposals for the Development Capacity Study.

                     Prepared Impact Assessments for:

o                     Affordable Housing

o                     Ground Orientated Housing

o                     Major Review of the Official Community Plan

                      Prepared and presented the Interim Housing Needs Report to Council

                     Prepared and presented to Council the Climate Action Plan Annual Report



11.                     Consultation


                     Staff participated in several pre-application consultations with various developers and architects actively preparing submissions for multiple family residential projects.

                     Consulted with developers and commercial realtors to identify possible sites for small lot infill, commercial mixed use, and high-density residential development in

                     Fielded a significant volume of realtor, appraiser, developer, and potential home buyer inquiries regarding properties in Esquimalt, particularly those eligible for the new RSM-1 and RSM-2 zoning.

                     Fielded a significant volume of inquiries about Short-Term Rentals in Esquimalt.

                     Attended the Inter-municipal SD 61 Meeting.

                     Met with staff from the ICF.

                     Attended the UDI Liaison Committee meeting.

                     Presented at the West Bay Residents Association AGM.


12.                     Sustainability


                     Staff continue to work with the CRD Climate Action Inter-Municipal Working Group.

                     Staff began working on Terms of Reference for the Corporate Greenhouse Gas Reduction Road Map project.

                     Staff completed the full application for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Green Municipal Fund (GMF) for a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Pathway Feasibility Study Grant.

                     Worked with Parks and Recreation, and Engineering and Public Works on the Request for Proposals for a study of ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from municipally owned buildings.

                     Worked with City of Victoria and greater Victoria staff on a Union of BC Municipalities Community Emergency Preparedness Fund - Disaster Risk Reduction - Climate Adaptation grant application for a ‘Gorge Waterway Coastal Flood Adaptation Initiative’ grant application.


13.                     Geographic Information System (GIS)


                     Provided digital data to the Integrated Cadastral Information Society.

                     Created and updated online maps and specific thematic maps for staff.

                     Provided mapping services to other departments as requested.

                     Enhanced routine data maintenance tasks with scripting.

                     Prepared seven draft walking tour maps.

                     Developed an app for stormwater catch basins.




14.                     Other


                     Reviewed numerous Building Permit applications for compliance with development permits and zoning regulations.

                     Reviewed Business Licence Applications for Zoning Compliance.

                     Responded to property information requests.

                     Processed 34 requests for building plans.

                     Attended meeting of the Regional Planning Directors.

                     Met with the Health Needs Assessment consulting team on a number of occasions to refine the project scope. 

                     Attended Emergency Management Committee meeting.

                     Made a presentation to staff at Pemberton Homes related to the impact of new legislation on Esquimalt.

                     Attended the annual Advisory Body Orientation.  


15.                     Training


Staff attended the following training sessions:


                     CRD Watershed tour

                     Attended a webinar on the “Legal Argument for Procedural Fairness”.

                     Attended a webinar on Tenant Protection Bylaws.


16.                     Statistics


See Appendix “A” for status of existing housing applications.


II.                     COMMITTEES


Advisory Planning Commission:


                     The Advisory Planning Commission met once in the third period and reviewed two applications.


Design Review Committee:


                     The Design Review Committee met twice in the third period and reviewed four applications.


Board of Variance:


                     The Board of Variance did not meet during the third period.