File #: 24-299    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Passed
File created: 6/18/2024 In control: Council
On agenda: 7/8/2024 Final action: 7/8/2024
Title: 533 Admirals Road - Development Permit and Development Variance Permit, Staff Report No. DEV-24-039
Attachments: 1. Appendix A: Aerial 533 Admirals, 2. Appendix B: DP000230, 3. Appendix C: DVP00145, 4. Appendix D: Applicant rationale letter, 5. Appendix E: Survey, 6. Appendix F: Architectural drawings and site plan, 7. Appendix G: DPA questionnaires, 8. Appendix H: Green Building Checklist, 9. Appendix Appendix I: Staff presentation


MEETING DATE:  July 8, 2024                     Report No. DEV-24-039


TO:                       Council                                           

FROM:                      Mikaila Montgomery, Planner and Bill Brown, Director of Development

SUBJECT:                      Development Permit and Development Variance Permit - 533 Admirals





That Council approve Development Permit No. DP000230 and Development Variance Permit No. DVP00145 and direct staff to issue the permits and register the notices on the title of the property upon receipt of the landscape deposit. 





The applicant has applied for a Development Permit and Development Variance Permit to accommodate a 179.35m² addition to the existing commercial liquor store. The requested variance is to the interior side setback (from 3 metres to 1.48 metres). The addition will be used for storage.







Applicant: Matt Rasmussen


Owner: Dirty Digger Holdings Ltd. Inc. NO. BC1324940


Designer: Skogg Designs


Property Size: 4,253.01m²


OCP Land Use Designation:

Current: Commercial

Proposed: Commercial


Zone: C-6 Licensed Liquor Establishment


Existing Land Use: Commercial

Proposed Land Use: Commercial


Surrounding Land Uses:

North: Service station commercial

South: Single detached residential

East: Commercial/Residential

West: Multi-unit residential




                     February 21st - Application received

                     May 21st - Advisory Planning Commission meeting

                     June 12th - Design Review Committee meeting


Advisory Body Recommendations:


Advisory Planning Commission

That the Advisory Planning Commission recommends to Council to approve the development variance permit to construct an addition on the commercial business located at 533 Admirals Road as the variance is minor and the storage facility maintains design with the interesting building. Carried Unanimously.


Design Review Committee


                     The east/south building faces could use a hop screen/green element.

                     Suggest additional trees are added to enhance the parking lot.

                     Agree - this merits a parking lot upgrade and would like to see more landscaping.

                     No issues with the building or the parking lot.



That the Esquimalt Design Review Committee recommends to Council to approve the Development Permit which would allow the construction of an addition to the existing liquor store at 533 Admirals Road with the following conditions:


1)                     provide additional enhancement and shading of the parking lot

through the addition of trees, and

2)                     provide a green screen on the east and south faces of the proposed

building. Carried Unanimously.


In response to the Design Review Committee’s recommendation, the applicant amended their application to include the planting of trees on the east side of the addition and on the south side of the new parking area.


Referral Comments


Community Safety Services (Building Inspection):

No concerns. This project requires the services of an architect. Retaining walls and accessory structures may require a separate Building Permit. Subject to review for Building Code and Bylaw compliance at time of Building Permit application.


Engineering Services:


Applications were reviewed by the Engineering Department.  They have no requirements for the applications.




Official Community Plan Analysis


Commercial and Commercial Mixed-Use Land Use

Objective: Esquimalt is a complete community where commercial areas serve the needs of area residents, local businesses and visitors.


Policy: Exclusive commercial development is appropriate in commercial/commercial mixed-use areas. This development is exclusively commercial.


Development Permit Area No. 1 - Natural Environment


This addition is proposed for an already disturbed, concrete area.


Development Permit Area No. 4 - Commercial

This parcel is not located in DPA No. 4, however since the proposed development is commercial, the relevant guidelines are noted below.


                     Façades should be appropriate to a pedestrian-oriented shopping area with windows facing the street and doors opening on to the street rather than on to a courtyard or laneway. The addition of the storage space is located behind the façade and away from pedestrian-oriented areas.

                     Buildings should be sited to minimize the creation of shadows on public spaces. The addition is sited to minimize shadows onto public spaces.


Development Permit Area No. 6 - Multi-Family Residential

This parcel is located in DPA No. 6, however since the existing use is commercial, the guidelines are not applicable.


Development Permit Area No. 7 - Energy Conservation & Greenhouse Gas Reduction

                     No windows or skylights are proposed in the design

                     Primary materials are concrete and metal


Development Permit Area No. 8 - Water Conservation

                     The development area is already disturbed.  Several trees and shrubs will be planted.


Parking Analysis:


The applicant is proposing to add 15 parking spaces and remove 7, resulting in a net gain of 8 parking spaces. This is in addition to the existing 54 parking spaces. This exceeds the requirement for parking.


Zoning Analysis:


This parcel is zoned C6 - Licensed Liquor Establishment. The project conforms to all zoning requirements, apart from the variance to the interior side setback.




C6 Zone


4.8m (addition)


Lot coverage



Rear setback



Interior side setback







1. That Council approve Development Permit No. DP000230 and Development Variance Permit No. DVP00145 and direct staff to issue the permit and register the notice on the title of the property upon receipt of the landscape deposit. 


2. That Council deny Development Permit No. DP000230 and Development Variance Permit No. DVP00145.




Diversified and Thriving Economy

Good Governance and Organizational Excellence




There are no financial impacts.




In accordance with section 499 of the Local Government Act, notices were mailed to owners and tenants of properties within 50 metres (164 ft) of the subject property on June 25th, 2024.




The Development Permit and Development Variance Permit must be issued before the Building Permit is approved.




1.                     Bill Brown, Director of Development

2.                     Deb Hopkins, Director of Corporate Services, Reviewed

3.                     Ian Irvine, Director of Finance, Reviewed

4.                     Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer, Concurrence




1. Appendix A: Aerial map of 533 Admirals

2. Appendix B: DP000230

3. Appendix C: DVP00145

4. Appendix D: Applicant’s rationale letter

5. Appendix E: Land Survey

6. Appendix F: Architectural drawings and site plan

7. Appendix G: DPA questionnaires

8. Appendix H: Green Building Checklist

9. Appendix I: Staff presentation