DATE: June 19, 2023 Report No. EPW-23-010
TO: Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Joel Clary, Director of Engineering and Public Works
Canteen Road Parking Traffic Order End
That Council:
a) Approve Traffic Order 1343 for “No Parking” on the west side of Canteen Road commencing at a point 9m north of Esquimalt Road and extending 15m north and commencing at a point 69.5m north of Esquimalt Road and extending 43.15m north; and
b) Rescind Traffic Order 1325 for “No Parking” on the west side of Canteen Road.
as outlined in Staff Report EPW-23-010.
Streets and Traffic Regulation Bylaw, 2017, No. 2898
Healthy, Livable & Diverse Community - Multi-Modal Strategies
Canteen Road is a local road on the western edge of the Township of Esquimalt. North of Esquimalt Road, Canteen Road is four lanes wide and is bordered by CFB Esquimalt on the west and north, and Esquimalt’s Public Works Yard to the east. Within the Public Works Yard is the Yard & Garden Waste Facility that is accessible for Esquimalt and View Royal Residents. To the north is one of the primary entrances to CFB Esquimalt and to the west a pedestrian exit only feature.
Due to hiring of new Township staff that will work out of the Public Works Yard, the parking demand for staff exceeds capacity.
1. Rationale for Selected Option
To provide adequate parking for Township staff, it is staff’s recommendation to make changes to the traffic configuration on Canteen Road north of Esquimalt Road, as per Attachment 1. These changes will create 4 new parking spots, and maintain existing north and south travel lanes. These changes will be achieved through paint changes and the implementation or rescinding of the following Traffic Orders:
• Approve Traffic Order 1343 for “No Parking” on the west side of Canteen Road commencing at a point 9m north of Esquimalt Road and extending 15m north and commencing at a point 69.5m north of Esquimalt Road and extending 43.15m north;
• Rescind Traffic Order 1325 for “No Parking” on the west side of Canteen Road.
Signage will be installed as per Part IV, Division 1, section 14 (j) of the Streets and Traffic Regulation Bylaw, 2017, No. 2898.
2. Organizational Implications
The proposed Traffic Order would be prepared by Engineering and signed by the Corporate Officer and the Director of Engineering and Public Works. Public Works would then install the parking restriction signage and paint changes along the street. The Traffic Order would be added to Community Safety Services Department (Bylaw) patrol routes for enforcement. These activities would not impose any organizational implications.
3. Financial Implications
The Traffic Order implementation, paint changes, and enforcement can be accommodated within the current operational budgets for the various departments that will be involved in the issuing of the Traffic Order.
4. Sustainability & Environmental Implications
There is no sustainability or environmental implications to the Traffic Order.
5. Communication & Engagement
Once approved, due to the relative effect of this traffic order, no prior notification will be issued, temporary no parking signs will be installed to facilitate the work.
1. That Council:
a. Approve Traffic Order 1343 for “No Parking” on the west side of Canteen Road commencing at a point 9m north of Esquimalt Road and extending 15m north and commencing at a point 69.5m north of Esquimalt Road and extending 43.15m north; and
b. Rescind Traffic Order 1325 for “No Parking” on the west side of Canteen Road
as outlined in Staff Report EPW-23-010.
2. That Council request additional information from staff.
3. That Council provide alternate direction to staff.