File #: 25-048    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Period Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/21/2025 In control: Special Committee of the Whole
On agenda: 1/27/2025 Final action:
Title: CAO - 2024 Third Period Report
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 - Council Priorities Plan.pdf
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DATE:                       January 27, 2025                     Report No. ADM-25-009

TO:                       Mayor and Council

FROM:                      Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer


SUBJECT:TITLECAO - 2024 Third Period Report



The following is a report on the activities pertaining to the CAO’s office from September 1, 2024 to January31, 2024.




The CAO’s focus for this period was support a mid-term Council Priorities Plan refresh process that could be completed prior to the development of the 2025-2029 Financial Plan.  Members of Council proposed several new initiatives for adoption into the Council Priorities Plan; impact assessments were prepared for each of these initiatives and were considered by Council in December 2024.  The following list outlines the status of each of these initiatives:


                     Improved Budget Documentation - adopted in Council Priorities Plan

                     Affordable Housing - additional discussion of scope, schedule and cost of project required

                     Esquimalt Together Against Graffiti - incorporated into Council Priorities Plan with status set to “Proposed/Not Yet Funded.”

                     Ground-Oriented Small Developments - deferred for consideration as a Future Project

                     Official Community Plan (Major Review) - incorporated into Council Priorities Plan with status set to “Proposed/Not Yet Funded.”

                     Deer Fencing - deferred for consideration as a Future Project

                     Parkland Placement, Acquisition and Management Plan - incorporated into Council Priorities Plan with status set to “Proposed/Not Yet Funded.”


The Council Priorities Plan (as of January 2025) continues to represent a plan that will stretch the organization’s resources and capabilities going forward.  The CAO’s strategy is to continue focussing on meeting the commitments in the Council Priorities Plan while sustaining operational levels of service.


The CAO continues to be directly involved in two major projects: Construction of the Public Safety Building and development of alternative policing options for Esquimalt.