DATE: June 19, 2023 Report No. EPW-23-009
TO: Dan Horan, Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Joel Clary, Director of Engineering and Public Works
Parklands Neighbourhood No Parking Traffic Orders End
That Council approve the implementation of Traffic Order 1340, 1341, 1342 “No Parking Restriction” along Parklands Drive, Kingsmill Road and Alexander Road, as set out in Staff Report EPW-23-009.
Streets and Traffic Regulation Bylaw, 2017, No. 2898
Healthy, Livable & Diverse Community - Multi-Modal Strategies
Parklands Drive is a local road that runs from Admirals Road to its terminus where it becomes Kingsmill Road. The streetscape is primarily comprised of single-family dwellings but also provides access to the Parklands townhouse development. Kingsmill Road is a local road that is accessed from Parklands Drive via Admirals Road. The streetscape is primarily comprised of single-family dwellings. Alexander Road is a local road that is accessed from Kingsmill Road. The streetscape is primarily comprised of single-family dwellings.
BC Transit operates the #24 bus route in this area with 4 stops along the Parklands Drive and Kingsmill Road loop. On-street parking is generally permitted on both sides of these roadways but due to the horizontal geometry and varying widths (approximately 7.3 to 8.5 metres), some access issues arise for larger vehicles especially when vehicles are parked on both sides of the street.
Eventually access issues progressed to a point that BC Transit restricted bus service in January 2023, until conditions improved. After completing a ride-along with BC Transit planning group and operators, a temporary parking removal plan was designed and implemented in the neighbourhood to mitigate access concerns for both BC Transit and Emergency Services.
1. Rationale for Selected Option
Engineering staff continued to receive feedback from BC Transit, Esquimalt Fire, and residents, and determined the temporary parking removal that was implemented meets the access requirements for the neighbourhood. No changes were made from the temporary installation and staff recommend formalizing the no parking restrictions with permanent signage as reflected in the traffic orders in Attachment 1.
By issuing these traffic orders, the Township can enforce the no parking restrictions as per Part IV, Division 1, section 14 (q) of the Streets and Traffic Regulation Bylaw, 2017, No. 2898.
2. Organizational Implications
The proposed Traffic Order would be prepared by Engineering and signed by the Corporate Officer and the Director of Engineering and Public Works. Public Works would install the no parking restriction signage along the street. The Traffic Order would be added to the Community Safety Services Department’s patrol routes for enforcement (Bylaw). These activities would not impose any organizational implications.
3. Financial Implications
The Traffic Order implementation and enforcement can be accommodated within the current operational budgets for the various departments that will be involved in the issuing of the Traffic Order.
4. Sustainability & Environmental Implications
There is no sustainability or environmental implications to the Traffic Order.
5. Communication & Engagement
Construction notices will be issued to reflect the proposed changes prior to installation of the new signs.
1. That Council approve the implementation of Traffic Order 1340, 1341, 1342 “No Parking Restriction” along Parklands Drive, Kingsmill Road and Alexander Road, as set out in Staff Report EPW-23-009.
2. That Council request additional information from staff.
3. That Council provide alternate direction to staff.