DATE: March 12, 2025 Report No. DRC-25-005
TO: Chair and Members of the Design Review Committee
FROM: Alex Tang, Planner and Bill Brown, Director of Development Services
Development Permit Application - 861 & 863 Esquimalt Road
That the Esquimalt Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the application for a development permit authorizing the form and character of the proposed 59-unit residential development consistent with the architectural plans provided by dHK Architects and landscape plan provided by LADR Landscape Architects, to be located at 861 & 863 Esquimalt Road be forwarded to Council with a recommendation to either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application including reasons for the chosen recommendation.
Declaration of Climate Emergency
Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2018, No. 2922
Zoning Bylaw, 1992, No 2050
Parking Bylaw, 1992, No. 2011
Development Application Procedures and Fees Bylaw, 2012, No. 2791
Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw, 2012, No. 2792
Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw, 1997, No. 2175
Local Government Act
Appendix A: Aerial Map and CD No. 158 Zone
Appendix B: Architectural Drawings and Landscape Plan
Appendix C: Arborist Report
Appendix D: Applicant’s Comments for Development Permit Area Guidelines
Appendix E: Applicant’s Presentation
The applicant is proposing to build a 6-storey, 59-unit multiple-family residential building. Comprehensive Development District No. 158 of Esquimalt Zoning Bylaw 1992, No. 2050 [Appendix A] has been written to regulate this development.
This site is located within Development Permit Area No. 1 - Natural Environment, Development Permit Area No. 6 - Multi-Family Residential, Development Permit Area No. 7 - Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Development Permit Area No. 8 - Water Conservation, and Development Permit Area No. 11 - West Bay of the Township’s Official Community Plan. A development permit is required to ensure that the application is generally consistent with the development permit area guidelines contained within the Esquimalt Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2018, No.2922. A development permit is required prior to a building permit being issued for construction.
Evaluation of this application should focus on issues regarding the form and character of the development, including landscaping, exterior design, and finish of the building in relation to the relevant development permit area guidelines. In addition, evaluation should focus on natural environment protection, energy conservation, greenhouse gas reduction, and water conservation in relation to the relevant development permit area guidelines.
Applicant / Architect: dHK Architects
Owner: 861-865 Esquimalt Holdings Ltd., Inc. No. BC1183905
Property Size: Metric: 1566 m2 Imperial: 16856 ft2
OCP Present Land Use Designation:
Medium Density Residential
OCP Proposed Land Use Designation:
Neighbourhood Commercial Mixed-Use
Proposed Zone:
CD No. 158
Existing Land Use:
Multiple-Family Residential
Proposed Land Use: Multiple-Family Residential
Surrounding Land Uses:
North: Commercial
South: Single-Family Residential
East: Multiple-Family Residential
West: Multiple-Family Residential
This site is located within Development Permit Area No. 1 - Natural Environment, Development Permit Area No. 6 - Multi-Family Residential, Development Permit Area No. 7 - Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Development Permit Area No. 8 - Water Conservation, and Development Permit Area No. 11 - West Bay. The guidelines of these Development Permit Areas are contained within the Esquimalt Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2018, No. 2922.
As Council is required to consider all the Official Community Plan guidelines from these Development Permit Areas in evaluating this application, the applicant has submitted a document addressing these guidelines [Appendix D].
Development Permit Area No. 1 is designated for the purpose of establishing objectives for the protection of the natural environment, its ecosystems and biological diversity.
OCP Section 18.5.2 Natural Features
The soil will be removed and disturbed for the construction of the underground parkade.
OCP Section 18.5.3 Biodiversity
The applicant has included landscaping consistent with these guidelines, noting that it will consist predominantly of native and adaptive species suited to the region. Emphasis has been placed on selecting species that support pollinators and the habitat of birds and insects.
OCP Section 18.5.4 Natural Environment
The applicant has proposed planting beds in the side and rear yards.
OCP Section 18.5.5 Drainage and Erosion
The applicant is not providing any rainwater collection system in the forms of rain gardens or swales. The proposed landscape areas will be the source of passive infiltration.
OCP Section 18.5.7 Native Bird Biodiversity
Habitat features such as trees and shrubs will be included to protect and enhance native bird biodiversity.
Development Permit Area No. 6 is designated for the purpose of establishing objectives for the form and character of multi-family residential development.
OCP Section 23.5 Multi-Family Residential Guidelines
The applicant has taken measures to provide adequate setback from both the lot lines and the statutory right of way. Except for the car-share vehicle, the parking area is screened from the street.
Development Permit Area No. 7 is designated for the purposes of energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction.
OCP Section 24.5.1 Siting of buildings and structures
The building is oriented at an angle facing the street to optimize sunlight, airflow and views.
OCP Section 24.5.2 Form and exterior design of buildings and structures
The applicant has proposed a rooftop amenity area with a garden and patio space.
OCP Section 24.5.3 Landscaping
The front yard has been designed with a seating area and large planters. Native trees that extend from the adjacent property to the south will provide canopy to this development. A honey locust tree is proposed on the southwest corner and a row of 5 hornbeam trees is proposed to line the eastern edge of the building.
OCP Section 24.5.4 Machinery, equipment and systems external to buildings and other structures
The applicant will use heat pumps for heating and cooling. Bicycle parking is proposed near the main entrance. A car share stall is near the main entrance for visibility and accessibility.
OCP Section 24.5.5 Special Features
The applicant will select durable local building products where possible. The applicant will use vertical metal sidings and metal flashings.
Development Permit Area No. 8 is designated for the purpose of water conservation.
OCP Section 25.5.1 Building and Landscape Design
The applicant is not providing any rainwater collection system in the forms of rain gardens or swales. The proposed landscape areas will be the source of passive infiltration.
OCP Section 25.5.2 Landscaping - Select Plantings for Site and Local Conditions
The applicant has selected plantings that are native species or species adapted to the region.
OCP Section 25.5.3 Landscaping - Retaining Stormwater on Site
The applicant states that they will protect the areas of soil around the critical root zones of the trees retained on the adjacent properties.
OCP Section 25.5.4 Landscaping - Water Features and Irrigation Systems
The applicant will install plantings and irrigation to Canadian Landscape Standard.
Development Permit Area No. 11 is designated for the West Bay area.
OCP Section 28.5
The frontage includes a live-work unit with a glass façade looking onto Esquimalt Road. The frontage will also include a visible lobby area with an outdoor seating area. Usable open space has been provided in the southwestern part of the development.
The following chart details the floor area ratios, lot coverage, setbacks, height, and parking requirements of the proposed CD No. 158 zone.
Proposed CD No. 158 Zone |
Residential Units |
59 |
Total Floor Area Ratio |
2.0 |
Lot Coverage (at the parking level) |
70% |
Lot Coverage at or above the First Storey |
55% |
Setbacks: |
Front (Esquimalt Road) |
5.0 m |
Eastern Interior Side |
5.0 m |
Western Interior Side |
6.0 m |
Rear |
6.0 m |
Building Height |
21.4 m [6 storeys] |
Off Street Parking |
44 spaces |
Usable Open Space |
117 m2 [7.5%] |
Bicycle Parking |
57 bicycle parking spaces |
Please comment on the form and character of the building, the site plan, landscaping, and other matters pertaining to the development permit area guidelines.
1. That the Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the development permit application be approved including reasons for this recommendation.
2. That the Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the development permit application be approved subject to conditions, including reasons for this recommendation.
3. That the Design Review Committee recommends to Council that the development permit application be denied including reasons for this recommendation.