DATE: January 27, 2021 Report No. EPW-21-005
TO: Laurie Hurst, Chief Administrative Officer
FROM: Jeff Miller, Director of Engineering and Public Works
Early budget approval for Integrated Resource Management (IRM) Study
That Council not give early budget approval to the study to investigate the implementation of Integrated Resource Management but review this supplementary request of $100,000 within the framework of the budget review process.
Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Bylaw, 2014, No. 2815
Healthy, Livable & Diverse Community - develop and implement strategies that reduce impact on the environment consistent with our Climate Action Charter Goals; and
Local Services and Infrastructure - identify long term financial requirements for local services and infrastructure and promote opportunities to share services where operationally and financially beneficial.
In 2020, two Staff Reports were presented to Council, staff Report No. EPW-20-019 and Staff Report No. EPW-20-023. Both reports reviewed the concept of integrated waste management (IRM) and the use of gasification technology for the treatment of several waste streams of solid waste. These waste streams included:
• Municipal solid waste (MSW)
• Kitchen scraps (KS)
• Yard and garden (YG)
To continue to understand the implications of pursuing an IRM philosophy for the treatment of the MSW, KS, YG streams and the impact IRM would have on the Capital Regional District (CRD) Solid Waste Master Plan (Master Plan) further study is required. At the November 16th Council meeting staff presented Staff Report No. EPW-20-023 and upon discussion Council directed staff to prepare an early budget request to obtain funding for this study.
To further proceed in the implementation of an IRM philosophy and its impact on the Master Plan further study is required. The Study would look at:
• Compose and obtain an amendment to the existing Master Plan or the proposed Master Plan
• Once the amendment was received, present a business case to Ministry of Environment (MOE) that the Township has met the requirements as detailed in the Waste to Energy Fact Sheet and its incorporation into the Master Plan
• Obtain a Waste Discharge Authorization which would lead to obtaining an Operating Certificate for a waste to energy treatment processing
This Study would require the assistance of a qualified consultant to produce the information required for both the CRD and MOE to meet their requirements for an amendment to the Master Plan and obtain an Operating Certificate.
1. Rationale for Selected Option
It is the staff recommendation that this Study not be given early budget approval and should instead be included with other supplemental requests during the budget deliberations.
To prepare a Request for Proposal for the consultant, staff will have to explore and finalize the associated work tasks necessary to provide information that leads to the development of the business case and meets the requirements of the CRD and MOE. This development of scope could be carried out during the time frame effective immediately to the budget approval stage.
The cost of the study is significant at $100,000. Due to the size of the supplemental request, Council should review this request in comparison with other supplemental requests to fully understand its significance and priority in context. This cannot occur during the early budget approval process as this information is not available.
2. Organizational Implications
The Study will impact several staff positions at various times and degrees. These positions include: Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Finance, Director of Development Services, and Communications Manager. The Director of Engineering and Public Works will be directly affected by the Study which will be added to his work plan as project manager and primary contact point for the consultant, the CRD and the MOE.
3. Financial Implications
The budget for the Study that was presented as outlined in Staff Report No. EPW-20-023 was estimated between $75,000 and $100,000. After further review, the cost of the Study will be approximately $100,000 as reflected in the supplemental budget request. The Study would be funded through taxation and would require a tax revenue increase if it was to be approved. Due to the impact this could have on any tax increase this supplemental request should be reviewed and evaluated with other supplemental requests in March.
4. Sustainability & Environmental Implications
The IRM philosophy has the potential to create several positives with respect to the environment. Both the CRD and MOE will be measuring these positives in comparison to the positives being planned for the new Master Plan that will be submitted to MOE. MOE will accept initiatives that provide the greater positive impact on the environment.
5. Communication & Engagement
Staff will begin discussions with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities on potential funding opportunities and further discussions will be scheduled with CRD and MOE to determine the requirements for amending the Master Plan and obtaining an Operating Certificate.
1. That Council not give early budget approval to the study to investigate the implementation of Integrated Resource Management but review this supplementary request of $100,000 within the framework of the budget review process.
2. That Council give early budget approval to study to investigate the implementation of Integrated Resource Management with a project budget of $100,000.